City of Lincoln City - Roads End South Pump Station, West Devils Lake Road Pump Station
For the Roads End South Pump Station, HBH completed design for the replacement of a 490 gpm surface mounted suction-lift pump station with a 2,000 gpm VFD duplex submersible pump station. The design included the rehabilitation of the existing wetwell, located under the existing building and included new isolation valves, flow meter, electrical controls, building rehab, and minor site improvements. The West Devils Lake Pump Station included the upgrade of an existing 650 gpm duplex dry pit pump station to a new 1,300 gpm VFD submersible duplex station with the ability to expand to a triplex 2,000 gpm station.
West Devils Lake Road Pump Station
The West Devils Lake project included the upgrade of an existing 650 gpm duplex dry pit pump station to a new 1,300 gpm VFD submersible duplex station with the ability to expand to a triplex 2,000 gpm station. We worked closely with City staff and other consultants to establish the flow requirements and create design guidelines that led to the template for the design of two other pump stations for the city (N5 and Roads End). The upgrade of the station included installing a new wetwell so that the old dry pit configuration could be abandoned, a complete electrical upgrade, replacement of an aging and undersized generator, flow meters, building rehabilitation and some minor site improvements. Challenges for the project included shallow groundwater (the pump station is right next to a wetland), and bedrock that had to be hammered through in order to complete construction of the new wetwell. HBH completed the design and bidding services for the project. The pump station was approved for construction by both the City and DEQ and constructed in 2014.