The Dundee Hills Resort is a private development project in Dundee along HWY 99, where HBH is provided design and construction management. The project includes an RV park, Rental Cottage Area, Commercial area, and a Wastewater Recycling plant. The engineers at HBH have worked hard to make the developer's artistic vision a reality. The RV Park and Cottage rental area contains 38 pull-through and 16 back-in spaces in addition to 5 cottages. This part of the site has been designed to avoid using asphalt. Instead, the RV parking areas utilize gravel. To provide adequate drinking water for the site, HBH is provided oversite for the installation of a new well on site.
Wherever possible, the landscaping is designed with low-water Native plants to provide a natural-feeling beauty while at the same time allowing the recycled water from the wastewater treatment plant to provide for all the site's irrigation needs. The site design also includes a multi-use path that connects to the City of Dundee's existing pedestrian system and a multi-use path that connects to the Duckpond Winery.