Project Spotlight
City of Rockaway Beach, McMillan Creek Reservoir
The City of Rockaway Beach water system had a significant treated water storage deficiency that was compounded by the fact that the City's largest reservoir was leaking. The City commissioned HBH to design a new 2.0 mg reservoir. After considerable analysis, HBH determined a glass-fused-to-steel reservoir would have the lowest lifecycle cost due to significantly lower maintenance requirements. HBH identified a location for the new reservoir, however, the geotechnical investigations concluded the area had poor soil conditions. HBH designed a series of stone columns to stabilize the ground rather than requiring large removal/fill, which was a considerable cost savings for the project. The new reservoir was completed and online by the July 4th holiday weekend as requested by the City.
City of Rockaway Beach, Water Treatment Plant
The City of Rockaway Beach had a conventional water treatment plant that was in poor condition and not consistently meeting treatment standards. After significant analysis of treatment alternatives, HBH recommended a new 1.0 mgd membrane treatment plant. The timing of the project enabled the City to apply for ARRA funds. HBH worked tirelessly to ensure that the project was "construction ready" and would qualify for this funding. Due to our efforts, the City received nearly $2.0 million in grant funding for the project. One significant problem with receiving the grants was the lack of time to perform pilot testing of the treatment technology. As result, the manufacturer had not meet its treatment performance guarantees. HBH diligently worked in the City's interest to resolve this problem and obtained agreement with the manufacturer to install new pressure filters.
City of Junction City, Wastewater Treatment Facility
The City of Junction City retained HBH as their City Engineer of Record. As a function of that position they requested HBH to review their recently approved Wastewater Facilities Plan as the approved alternative had risen to around $30 million dollars. During our initial review HBH found the approved (City, Engineer, DEQ) Facilities Plan was not implementable as the proposed receiving stream was on an EPA 303d list prohibiting discharge.
HBH has since designed and implemented a Fine Bubble Diffused Air System for aeration of the existing lagoons. The project cost was less than $2 million dollars and has brought the discharge parameters back into substantial compliance with the NPDES permit. While this project in conjunction with an Infiltration/Inflow Project (by others) does not fully address the City's needs, they represent major steps towards a final solution.
City of Albany, Wastewater Collection
The City of Albany's existing Oak Creek pump station and forcemain were significantly undersized. HBH worked closely with the City to develop design flow projections for the new system. As part of our preliminary design efforts, we evaluated various pump configurations to meet the City's operational criteria as well as meeting regulatory requirements. HBH designed significant upgrades to the pump station including new pumps with VFDs, electrical and control components, building and site improvements. The new station has a nominal capacity of 10.6 mgd. The project also includes over 10,000 lf of 24-inch forcemain piping with several sections requiring directional drilling in order to avoid waterways, wetlands, or other sensitive areas. HBH also provided limited construction administration and inspection services.
City of Medford, Northgate
HBH provided designs in connection with the City of Medford’s largest commercial development to date. This project followed recommendations from a Traffic Study and City Transportation Plan. HBH worked extensively with ODOT and the City of Medford for coordination and approval of design and construction. Final plans were completed for 1,700 feet of improvements on Highway 238. In addition, HBH designed major Intersection Improvements for McAndrews Road and Biddle Road, which are major collector routes. Additional elements of the transportation design included roadway widening, overlays, matching existing driveways, utility relocations, coordination of private utilities, and public meetings.
In addition to roadway improvements, the design also included a number of stormwater collection, conveyance, and passive treatment components. This work required HBH to develop model of the stormwater conveyance and detention facilities in accordance with the City of Medford standards.
Tillamook County, Southern Flow Corridor
HBH was selected as part of a team of engineers by the Tillamook Oregon Solutions stakeholder group to develop alternatives to reduce flooding in Tillamook County, Oregon. Preliminary plans developed for the preferred alternative included removal of over 30,000 feet of existing levee, construction of 11,000 feet of new setback levee, new flood drainage structures, and habitat restoration of approximately 500 acres of land. Fill removal from existing levees and dredge spoil piles totaled approximately 230,000 cubic yards. New and updated levees, along with filling of existing man-made ditch systems will require approximately 80,000 cubic yards of fill material. HBH is currently working on design of the $6 million construction project, which is anticipated to occur in 2016.