Scope OF WORK:
The City of Hood River is located in Hood River County near the confluence of the Hood and Columbia River. This project consisted of covering and treating odors from the existing Waste Activated Sludge Tank (WAS Tank) and Aeration Basin Splitter Box (Splitter Box). HBH served as the City’s Engineer for the project and pre-purchase process. HBH provided design of complete odor control system for the Waste Activated Sludge (WAS) Storage Tank and the Aeration Basin Splitter Box. HBH managed project through completion of construction and administrative staff provided assistance as needed, including invoicing, document editing, and other work.
Document Editing
Project Closeout
Produce As-Builts
Prepare Technical Specifications CSI format
Produce Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual
Technical Assistance
Project Management
Bid Services