The City of Idanha is a small town, located in the foothills of Oregon Cascade range. After HBH completed a Water Master Plan (WMP) at the end of 2012, the City hired Mike Henry as its City Engineer of Record and retained HBH to implement the capital improvement projects from the WMP. The Water System Improvements project included 4,900 feet of 8-inch water main, a water intake, 1,900 feet of 4-inch HDPE raw water main, and a 250 gpm water treatment plant. HBH assisted in obtaining over 1.7 million in project funding through a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), which is and administered through Infrastructure Finance Authority (IFA). Other stakeholders involved include Linn County, Oregon Department of Transportation, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments, Oregon Health Authority, and Idanha Public Works staff. These projects are currently on schedule.