The Following Provides a Small Sampling of Our Wastewater Projects
City of Newberg - 2nd, 3rd and 6th Street Wastewater Rehabilitation
Completed Summer 2019, this project included 5,200 LF of 8’’-12’’ wastewater main on portions of E 2nd Street, E 3rd Street, W 3rd Street, and E 6th Street, including replacement of manholes and existing wastewater service laterals between the new mainlines and the right-of-way. HBH provided design, bidding, and construction inspection services.
City of Lincoln City - Roads End South Pump Station, West Devils Lake Road Pump Station
For the Roads End South Pump Station, HBH completed design for the replacement of a 490 gpm surface mounted suction-lift pump station with a 2,000 gpm VFD duplex submersible pump station. The design included the rehabilitation of the existing wetwell, located under the existing building and included new isolation valves, flow meter, electrical controls, building rehab, and minor site improvements. The West Devils Lake Pump Station included the upgrade of an existing 650 gpm duplex dry pit pump station to a new 1,300 gpm VFD submersible duplex station with the ability to expand to a triplex 2,000 gpm station.
West Devils Lake Road Pump Station
The West Devils Lake project included the upgrade of an existing 650 gpm duplex dry pit pump station to a new 1,300 gpm VFD submersible duplex station with the ability to expand to a triplex 2,000 gpm station. We worked closely with City staff and other consultants to establish the flow requirements and create design guidelines that led to the template for the design of two other pump stations for the city (N5 and Roads End). The upgrade of the station included installing a new wetwell so that the old dry pit configuration could be abandoned, a complete electrical upgrade, replacement of an aging and undersized generator, flow meters, building rehabilitation and some minor site improvements. Challenges for the project included shallow groundwater (the pump station is right next to a wetland), and bedrock that had to be hammered through in order to complete construction of the new wetwell. HBH completed the design and bidding services for the project. The pump station was approved for construction by both the City and DEQ, and constructed in 2014.
City of Junction City - North Common Force Main Replacement, Vista Dale Sanitary Sewer LID
The North Common Force Main project is in the final steps of the design phase. It consists of around 2,000 LF of 16-inch diameter PVC force main. This project is the first of several projects to replace the entire North Common Force Main. This force main serves four pump stations, so one major challenge is variability in flow. The flow can range from one small pump at the smallest pump stations in the summer, to all pumps at all stations running constantly in the winter. Hydraulic calculations were performed for several scenarios before determining a final size. This project also involved easement acquisition to relocate the force main. The project is expected to be constructed in late 2019.
The Vista Dale Sanitary Sewer LID project included administration, design, bidding, and construction services for the City of Junction City in 2017. This project included approximately 800 feet of new 8’’ gravity sanitary sewer collection system with associated laterals in an existing residential neighborhood that was on a septic system. HBH coordinated the design with the Public Works Director and had contact with the individual property owners
City of Junction City, Wastewater Treatment Facility
The City of Junction City retained HBH as their City Engineer of Record. As a function of that position they requested HBH to review their recently approved Wastewater Facilities Plan as the approved alternative had risen to around $30 million dollars. During our initial review HBH found the approved (City, Engineer, DEQ) Facilities Plan was not implementable as the proposed receiving stream was on an EPA 303d list prohibiting discharge.
HBH has since designed and implemented a Fine Bubble Diffused Air System for aeration of the existing lagoons. The project cost was less than $2 million dollars and has brought the discharge parameters back into substantial compliance with the NPDES permit. While this project in conjunction with an Infiltration/Inflow Project (by others) does not fully address the City's needs, they represent major steps towards a final solution.
City of Hood River - Waste Activated Sludge & Aeration Basin Splitter Box Odor Control
HBH worked in conjunction with Bell Design Company and the City of Hood River to provide odor control for the City of Hood River’s Wastewater Treatment Plant. In June 2018, HBH provided a Headworks Odor Control Study for the City of Hood River. HBH Evaluated the headworks at wastewater treatment plant and provided a suite of solution alternatives along with estimated costs. Once the alternatives were selected, HBH provided design services and construction management for a new air duct system, a new blower, and new biofilter to treat odor generated at the wastewater treatment plant.